About Gary Dean and Traci

Our clients come first. As licensed fiduciaries and Real Estate Brokers with decades of experience, we put our expertise in your corner. Helping our clients make the best decisions to achieve real estate goals. Your Goals, Your Needs, Your Wants and exceeding them is the key to our success.

Our “2 Realtor” approach allows us to offer the highest client care and service. Since our partnership, we have annually earned the distinction of “Chairman’s Circle Gold Legends” placing us in the top percentile of all Sales Professionals within our Realtor Network. We are consistently Top Ten agents in one of the highest grossing Real Estate offices in the country.

Since 2000, we have been buying and selling properties with our partnership that rehabilitates distressed homes. Our track record for finding value properties, making cost effective upgrades, and then selling at top market dollar is excellent. We are especially proud to utilize these skills in the service of our Real Estate clients in helping them to make improvements to their own homes.

Referred with confidence by past Clients and Realtors nationwide. Knowing the market and supporting you in your decision process are the hallmarks to our business.

We are proud that 90% of our clients are from personal and professional referrals.

We are Corporate Relocation Specialists with clients from PepsiCo, Universal/NBC, 7-Eleven, General Motors, and many others.

We currently live in our lovingly renovated Valley Glen 1950’s Spanish with our 2 rescues Malti-poo Beatrix and Cockapoo Penelope.  We call our house style Cowboy Modern, what style can we help you find or create for you?

Serving: Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, and surrounding Areas!

Credentials: Realtors, SRES

Our Pledge:

“You have our firm commitment that we will work hard with you to fulfill all of your real estate needs now, and in the future! We have years of real estate experience in the area. Our goal is to offer you the best service possible to help make your dreams come true.  Since most of our business is from repeat clients and referrals.  Your needs are extremely important to us.  Let our knowledge, experience and know how work for you!”

— Gary Dean and Traci


Contact Us via Email

E-mail at: Info@GaryDeanAndTraci.com


Contact Us via Phone

Office: 818-908-2420 (no text)
Traci Mobile: 818-692-4195
Gary Mobile: 818-974-7325

Drop by and visit us at:

Metro Arts
14141 Ventura Boulevard
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423


Or Complete the Contact Form